Your data can have value in surprising ways. We'll help you navigate the modern data economy.
Have you ever considered that your data might have value to someone other than you? Someone who might pay you handsomely for it?
* A farm equipment manufacturer collects usage data from tractors... then sells it to hedge funds predicting crop yields.
* A cycling fitness app tracks routes... then sells it to cities to improve bicycling infrastructure.
* A cloud company monitors their hard drives... then sells the reliability data to consumer review sites.
What these companies have in common is that they collected data incidentally, during the normal course of business, and then later found other unexpected markets for that data. This can be so lucrative that some companies pivot entirely into a data arbitrage mindset and give away their products for free and experience massive growth.
We'll help you navigate the modern data marketplace to discover and execute novel data monetization strategies. Our services can include:
* Brainstorm potential applications for your novel datasets
* Work with data brokers to estimate demand
* Identify relevant data marketplaces for selling your data
* Obtaining complimentary third-party data that enhances the value of your datasets
* Packaging and data product design for usability